
AADDM welcomes new members. Joining is simple, and involves completing an online application form, submitting your CV to the secretariat, and paying your membership fee. The Executive Committee will consider your application at its upcoming meeting. Successful members will receive a welcome email and pack explaining the benefits of membership and how to interact with our website and members. Renewal of membership is due by June 30 each year.

The association has 3 categories of membership:


Full Membership – $100 per annum

For legally qualified medical practitioners within Australia. Prospective members must be in good standing, support the purpose and goals of the Association and pay their annual subscription.


Associate Membership – $100 per annum, apart from student membership which is $30 per annum


  • medical practitioners outside Australia, membership fee $100
  • other health and allied health professionals from Australia and internationally, membership fee $100
  • persons from outside the health profession with a demonstrated interest in the health of people with an Intellectual or developmental disability
  • persons undertaking tertiary level studies in medical or other health disciplines

All prospective associate members must have a demonstrated interest in the health of people with intellectual or developmental disability, be in good standing, support the purpose and goals of the Association and pay their annual subscription.


Honorary Life Membership

AADDM considers nominations for honorary life membership for 1) full or associate members of AADDM who have retired and continue to actively support the goals of the association, and 2) full, associate and non-members who have made extraordinary contributions to improving the health of people with intellectual or developmental disability in Australia. Please contact to obtain a nomination form.


The AADDM Executive Committee retains the right to approve or decline membership applications.


If you have any questions related to becoming a member, please email


Please click here to join.