The aims of AADDM are to:

Improve the health of people with intellectual and developmental disability across the life span
Promoting best practice in health care, including health promotion activities, for people with intellectual and developmental disability
Work towards a national approach to delivery of health care in Australia for people with intellectual and developmental disability

The goals of AADDM are to:

Improve health of people with intellectual and developmental disability across the life span by:
  1. Characterising the health status and health care needs of people with disabilities
  2. Improving the delivery of health care
  3. Supporting research, disseminating research findings and translating research into clinical practice
  4. Advocating for comprehensive, integrated and evidence based systems of health care

Promoting best practice in health care, including health promotion activities, for people with intellectual and developmental disability:
  1. Educate doctors and other health professionals in Developmental Disability health and assist in the delivery of training and education programs by other organisations
  2. Advising training organisations, including medical colleges and universities, on curriculum and related educational activities.
  3. Advocating for the special health care needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including provision of specialised services and inclusion in mainstream services
  4. Holding regular meetings and conferences

Work towards a national approach to delivery of health care in Australia of people with intellectual and developmental disability by:
  1. Responding to government and other enquiries into the health of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  2. Developing position statements, policies and guidelines on relevant health conditions
  3. Contributing to state and national policy development
  4. Providing a national forum for communication on mutual matters of concern