Telethon Kids Institute
Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH), 15 Hospital Avenue, Nedlands WA
Located about 20km (30 mins) from Perth Airport and 1km from The University of Western Australia
Please visit the Telethon Kids Institute website for detailed information on how to travel to the venue. Please note that if flying from east coast cities, an early morning flight may arrive in Perth by around lunch time.
Accommodation options around Nedlands include:
- St Catherine’s on Park
- Trinity on Hampden
- Local B&Bs
Other apartments and hotels in Subiaco, West Perth and the City include:
- Sage Hotel, West Perth
- Riverview Hotel Mount St, West Perth
- Many others in the CBD
Keynote Speakers
Professor Andrew Whitehouse
Professor Andrew Whitehouse is the Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research at the Telethon Kids Institute and Professor of Autism Research at The University of Western Australia.
Clinical Associate Professor Mary Sharp
Clinical Associate Professor Mary Sharp is a consultant neonatologist at KEMH. She is head of the Neonatal Follow up Program and is a member of the advisory committee for the WARDA-WA cerebral palsy register and a member of the ANZNN Follow up sub-committee.
Associate Professor Gareth Baynam
Associate Professor Gareth Baynam is a Clinical Geneticist at Genetic Services of Western Australia; an Adjunct Policy Advisor on Clinical Genomics at the WA Department of Health; Program Director of the Undiagnosed Diseases Program WA and Head of the Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies. With a focus on the Undiagnosed Diseases Program, Gareth will discuss some current and evolving digital diagnostics including the intersections and clinical implementations of genomic, text and imaging data; and coding for rare diseases diagnosis.
We expect to cover a wide range of topics and methodologies relating to intellectual disability including:
- Cohort studies
- Data Linkage
- Qualitative research
- Rare Diseases
- Autism
- Quality of life
- Mental Health
- Mothers who have intellectual disability
- Clinical interventions for people with intellectual disability
- Preterm birth
Download the AADDM19 program
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts are invited for oral presentations, including from students (from any related discipline) who can register at reduced rates and who will be eligible for a student prize.
Submissions should be received by FRIDAY, 26TH JULY, 2019
Please email your abstract to helen.leonard@telethonkids.org.au